Best Solar Batteries in Adelaide

Home Energy Storage

The concept of home energy storage is quite simple – Capture and store the excess energy from your solar panels during the day to power your home at night.

Until recently the application of this concept has been difficult and cost prohibitive, however energy storage for homes is now entering a new and exciting era!

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What are the Benefits of Solar Battery Storage?

Here are just a few reasons to consider solar battery storage in Adelaide:

  • Store excess solar energy for use during peak times or at night.
  • Reduce reliance on the grid, protecting against rising electricity costs.
  • Provide backup power during outages, keeping essential appliances running.
  • Improve energy independence by using stored energy when needed.
  • Increase the efficiency of your solar system by utilising more of the energy you generate.

Looking to get solar battery storage in Adelaide? Contact us today for a free quote.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are batteries worth the capital outlay?

Every household is different and needs to be analysed. However with lowering feed in tariffs, spiraling inflation and escalating electricity import tariffs there is no better a case to be made to install a battery.

A battery can help insulate your household from these present and future uncertainties by soaking up this low value export and then using it to offset high cost peak import.

Who can put a price on having the lights on during a blackout.

Which is the best sized battery?

This answer is made up of many variables and every household is different. Generally speaking most of our customers have purchased a battery in the 10-14kWh size range as it currently represents the best value for money with the products available.

Will battery pricing reduce in the near future like solar panels have?

In recent years with the evolution of Electric Vehicles some economies of scale price reductions have come to light, however inversely the recent rapid uptake of EV’s has exceeded the capacity for the battery minerals to be sourced.

It is expected this will be an issue going forward for some years to come and will cause price increases rather than reductions and this trend is already upon us as we are already experiencing battery price increases.

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